Adjective Agreement in Spanish Worksheet

Adjective Agreement in Spanish Worksheet: A Comprehensive Guide

Learning Spanish can be a challenging process, especially when it comes to the grammar rules. The use of adjectives is essential in Spanish, as they help to describe nouns and make the language more colorful and expressive. However, using adjectives in Spanish requires some knowledge of adjective agreement. In this article, we will discuss what is adjective agreement in Spanish, why it’s important, and provide you with a comprehensive worksheet to practice using this grammar rule.

What is Adjective Agreement in Spanish?

Adjective agreement refers to the concept that adjectives must agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. In other words, if the noun is masculine, the adjective must be masculine too, and if the noun is feminine, the adjective must be feminine. Similarly, if the noun is singular, the adjective must be singular too, and if the noun is plural, the adjective must be plural.

For example:

– El chico guapo (the handsome boy)

– La chica guapa (the beautiful girl)

– Los chicos guapos (the handsome boys)

– Las chicas guapas (the beautiful girls)

Why is Adjective Agreement Important?

Using the correct gender and number agreement when using adjectives in Spanish is crucial, as it helps to convey the correct meaning and avoid confusion. It also makes your communication sound more fluent and natural, which is essential when speaking with native Spanish speakers.

Adjective Agreement Worksheet

Now that you know what adjective agreement is and why it’s important, it’s time to practice it. Here’s a comprehensive worksheet to test your understanding of this grammar rule.

1. Choose the correct adjective to complete the sentence:

– El perro _____________ (negro/negra) es muy cariñoso. (The black dog is very affectionate)

– Las casas _____________ (blanco/blanca) son muy bonitas. (The white houses are very beautiful)

– Los libros _____________ (interesante/interesantes) son los más vendidos. (The interesting books are the best sellers)

– Ella es una persona _____________ (generoso/generosa). (She is a generous person)

– Los niños _____________ (feliz/felices) disfrutan jugando en el parque. (The happy children enjoy playing in the park)

2. Translate the following phrases into Spanish, paying attention to the correct gender and number agreement:

– The tall woman: _____________________________

– The black cats: _____________________________

– The smart students (feminine): _____________________________

– The small house: _____________________________

– The friendly dog (masculine): _____________________________


1. negro/blancas/interesantes/generosa/felices

2. La mujer alta/Los gatos negros/Las estudiantes inteligentes/La casa pequeña/El perro amigable

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